In Plain Sight:

Woman Sleeping In Bed Can't Be Found

By Husband and a House Full of People

I read your article regarding spontaneous invisibility. I have read this site over the past couple of days. I have found too many similarities in the stories to my own.

This one made me remember something that happened to me several years ago that I never thought much of. I was home, my daughter was being picked up by my husband or she was at her grandparents, I don't recall. Anyway, I had the afternoon off, so I decided to take a nap, I was really tired (as is the case most often for me). I heard my husband come in the house, come in our bedroom, then leave the house again. A little while later he returned and again looked in the bedroom, I just laid asleep not wanting to be disturbed, I figured if he thought I was asleep he would go about his business.

The evening proceeded on with people arriving and carrying on, so I got up to see what the noise was about, it was a party! I was mad he didn't tell me people were coming over so I could join them. When he saw me come out of the bedroom, he was totally shocked, as was everyone else. He said 'where have you been'? I thought he couldn't be serious, he looked in the bedroom twice! I said I have been in bed the whole time, I heard you come in. He was totally shocked. Everyone had been looking for me. They were worried, I was no where to be found.

I thought he was crazy. How could he have missed me laying in the bed which even faced the front room of the house.

Every now and then I will feel invisible, but I figure its people just ignoring me. I don't pay much attention to it, I just go my own way. I have never had anything like a shopping line occurence as in your story, but that day my husband and a house full of people could not find me was really weird.

This is utterly fascinating stuff! How can a person sleeping on a bed in plain sight not be seen by her husband and a house full of people? Assuming this really happened, do our physical bodies actually disappear during an encounter experience? Perhaps you can contribute more to our understanding of this newly reported aspect of the encounter experience by keeping a journal of these events. Write down everything that happens. Try to get the attention of those around you. What would happen if you grab them by the arm and scream at them... 'Can you see me'?

There's something odd about what you said..."I figure it's people just ignoring me...I don't pay much attention to it...I just go my own way...". This does not seem like a normal response to a very abnormal situation. Why? Please keep us posted on any further instances of invisibility. -- Editor

Dear 'AA',

I have started a dream journal in December, because too many weird things happen to me, dreamstate-like things mostly. I posted to you on these [see Story42.htm]. The last three or so years have been filled with past memories surfacing and strange nocturnal activity. Putting 2 and 2 together. I have not had another moment of seemingly disappearing since the "In Plain Sight" incident. I am still semi-skeptic, I guess, because I have never seen a 'Grey', but I have had 3 very distinct visions over a 7 year period of other-wordly beings.

About people ignoring me...I think I meant that as it says, I was just being ignored. It happens to me in large groups of people sometimes, but I am sure they are just wrapped up in conversation. It irritates me though. It does not happen that often. The only time I recall being blatanly ignored in a public place was in a line at a burger joint, I asked a woman if I could borrow her pen at least three times and she flat ignored me, but I think its just because she was a bitter old woman and paid no attention to me. The clerk still waited on me.

Being ignored by others in conversation also happens to me from time to time. It's almost like I go somewhere for a few minutes and people are talking THRU me! -- Editor